Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Class 1A

Today I saw my second class 1A. I set the goal before I came to clinic today that I would finish him and try not to have any missed scaling spots. Well I ended up having 2 spots on the lower ant. lingual that I missed. I always miss spots on the linguals! Other than that the appointment went very well. I need to get some class 2 because all I have seen are 1B and 1A's. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will get some. On Monday I have a Spanish speaking patient coming in which makes me nervous. I hope it goes well and the language barrier does not cause too many problems. But today was an overall good day in clinic. I am beginning to become more and more comfortable and more confident in my abilities.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Today in clinic was pretty frustrating. I had my pt scheduled and she did show up, but then told me she had to leave at 9:00. I got most of the OD done, but still need to have it checked in more depth when she comes back. I am glad that she came today though because she might possibly have a few quads that are class 2. This made me happy because I have only seen 1B's so far. I got my sharpening PE passed off, so I guess I did get something done. My goal when this patient comes back is to get her all finished.

Friday, January 18, 2008

CA for the Day!

On Wednesday it was my turn to be the CA. It went really well, and was actually a very stress free day. Mindy and I went around with Tori and she showed us everything we needed to do. We stocked all the cupboards and pods in the clinic, checked in and out patients, and we also made these kits that are going to be used to do sealants for children. It was a really good day and went really well.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Class IA

Goal: finish all 4 quads of patient, have no retakes on X-rays.
Well I am excited to say that I met my goal! I got my patient finished in one appointment and decided to have him be my 1A exam. I also did better taking x-rays today and did not have any retakes which makes me happy. I decided that I like the digital better than the conventional mainly because it saves quite a bit of time. Developing takes way too long, especially if retakes need to be done. I realized that I really like using my 135 for posterior scaling, it seems to do a good job and seems to get more interproximal as compared to some of the other instruments. My only trouble today was indirect vision. It is so hard and still feels really akward for me, especially the lower and upper anterior lingual. Hopefully one day it will just click. I was also able to complete 7 sealants today. I never thought that I would have to do that many at the same time but it went good overall, and I remembered how to do them. Overall I felt more confident today and feel like I am getting the hang of things more and more every day.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to School!

So today was the first day back from christmas break. It was a pretty good day we learned about area specific curettes, external fulcruming and practiced ultrasonic. Wednesday we see a pt which makes me excited. I am just nervous about finding my patients for the semester. I have most of my patients for Jan. but need to start booking some in Feb.