Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Class 1A

Today I saw my second class 1A. I set the goal before I came to clinic today that I would finish him and try not to have any missed scaling spots. Well I ended up having 2 spots on the lower ant. lingual that I missed. I always miss spots on the linguals! Other than that the appointment went very well. I need to get some class 2 because all I have seen are 1B and 1A's. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will get some. On Monday I have a Spanish speaking patient coming in which makes me nervous. I hope it goes well and the language barrier does not cause too many problems. But today was an overall good day in clinic. I am beginning to become more and more comfortable and more confident in my abilities.


The Pyper's! said...

I always miss on the linguals too...and it is frustrating because I know that there is going to be calculus there! Ahh... anyway good luck monday with the espanol!

The Obergs said...

Is this cute Megan Harris? Hi this is Crystal (Frost) Oberg. So how's Hygiene school going? I'll tell you what, those two years fly by and before you know it you'll be getting paid for what you're doing now, it's great! Good luck with everything. You look super cute in your picture, I hardly recognized you.