Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Clinic 2/6/08

So yesterday when I called to confirm my patient she cancelled. That is both times this week that I have had pts cancel. However, I was able to get my mom to come in again. She was my first pt and I needed to finish her lower quads. So the whole day didn't go to waste thankfully. I was also able to pass off my ultrasonic and anterior scaling PE's. It makes me feel better when I get things done. Hopefully I have some class 2 and 3's coming up I have not seen one yet. But I guess everything will work out in the end (hopefully). But today was a pretty good day considering the circumstances.


Ryan and Katie Poulsen said...

Everything will work out!!!

The Pyper's! said...

Another one!! Ahhh.... that is so frustrating. Hang in there!