Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finally A Class 2!

So I am pretty excited today because I saw a patient that is not a class 1B. She was a class 2 and I am so excited. I took 4 verticle bwx on here and realized never to take digital verticle bwx. They are so hard, and do not get everything you need on them. That was a good learning lesson. I was able to scale one quad and only had 1 missed area. I was pretty excited. Today made me feel less stressed about getting my requirements done, although I still need some other classes. Today went really well, and I feel like my scaling skills are getting better every clinic session.

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

veritcals are harder for sure and digital makes it worse. Way to go on getting one quad scaled!! Awesome that you had a class II!!!