Thursday, December 4, 2008

Frustrating Morning

Lets just say that this morning was not the best. My patient that came in was referred from her dentist for scaling and root planing. She was a class 3 on the top and 2 on the bottom. I decided that I would start with the top. The entire time, she would complain that I was digging into her gums and it was hurting. I told her we could get her numb, but she said she did not want to because numbing hurt also. She was very unreceptive to any instructions, and told me that she had been going to the dentist for 2 years. She was a know it all, and was probably one of the rudest patients I have ever seen. So I scaled as best I could, and when it came time for my scale check, there was calculus on every tooth. I informed the patient that in order to adequately clean and remove all of the deposit we would have to get her numb. By this time we it was almost patient walk out, and we did not have time for that. She will be coming back in January for me to "restart" again. I just hope I can do what I need to do without her giving me problems. Hopefully my patinet this afternoon will be nicer and let me do what needs to be done. I still want to get the last quad of a three that we were supposed to get for this semester done. Hopefully I can get one this afternoon!

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