Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So today was a pretty productive day. This morning I was able to see my brother who was a 1B. He had been wanting to get in and get his teeth cleaned and I could not find anybody to fill my morning appointment today so he was able to come in. This afternoon I was able to see a patient who is most likely going to be my mockboard. She has pretty tenacious calculus, and had a few 6 mm pockets. I am going to try and find somebody who is more ideal, but if not I will use her. I was able to get my ScanX PA's completed on her also which makes me glad considering I was done with PA's last semester. Today was a overall good day!

1 comment:

emilie said...

It's always fun to be able to see family. It seems to be a little more easy going. Way to go to get your scan-x PA's done!